Each year, we have the pleasure of helping people with their real estate transactions - buying, selling, and investing. We work with families and individuals to find homes, apartments, condos, vacant lots, and residential leases... you can easily say that we've done it all! We realize that each encounter is so much more than that though. We are closing chapters and writing new stories, going on adventures, growing families, downsizing, and settling down. But after all of the papers are signed and all (or most) of the moving is done, there is typically one more thing that every homeowner needs to do at the first of the year.
If you have purchased a home as your primary residence recently, let this be a friendly reminder to file for your homestead exemption (must be complete by April 30, 2023, to affect this year's taxes). A homestead exemption removes part of your home's value from taxation, so filing for it may lower your taxes or at least allow you to keep a current homestead exemption that may already be on the home in place. Filing is easy and you never have to pay anyone to do it for you. You will likely be receiving numerous solicitations, some that may even look very official, with offers to help you for a fee. This is not necessary at all! In order to file your homestead exemption, simply click on the link below for the county in which you reside and complete the Homestead Exemption form. You can either submit one online or print a hard copy to mail in.
One important note: You will need to have changed your driver’s license to match your new address, so if you haven’t done that yet, please do that first! Here's a link to the DPS site that will explain those instructions further.
Click your county of residence below to begin the homestead exemption process:
Dallas County
Collin County
Denton County
Tarrant County
If you need any help with this, please do not hesitate to reach out to us! Our Dallas Golf Homes team and The Jackie Dorbritz Group are happy to help in any way! Also, if you have friends or family that could benefit from our expertise, we would love the opportunity to help them as well!
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