4123 Sardinia Way in Frisco
Posted by Dallas Golf Homes on
After all of the population numbers were counted in 2020, Frisco, TX earned the prestigious title of “Fastest Growing City in the Nation.” From 2010, when the population was 117,000, to the census count of 2020, when the population was determined to be just over 200,000, the city had grown by 71%, more than any other city of more than 50,000 people in the US.
So why do we share all of these numbers? Why do they matter?
Because, surprisingly enough, most residents find their way to Frisco and are excited to settle down here. There’s something about the unparalleled growth that has combined with this city’s not-so-distant small-town roots; it’s easy to feel at home here. In fact, Money magazine has named Frisco one of the best…
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